Why is YORP different?
Unlike other review solutions which offer a review widget with limited benefits, YORP is a powerful review platform, added directly to your site. All reviews and content get published and attributed to your own website. As a result, your business grows online and customers visit your site for reviews instead of going elsewhere.

Control & Ownership
Take control over your company’s review policy, including when and how reviews are generated and processed.
Take ownership of your reviews and convert all your relationships into revenue opportunities.

Management Tools
Smartly resolve negative reviews to minimize the spread of negativity and incorporate Google reviews to show more inclusive review data.
Display your Verified badge and share your reviews on any website. You can have multiple administrators and be instantly notified when reviews are submitted.

custom design
Enjoy unparallel design freedom. Spread your brand and marketing without limitation. With YORP, you can add your own banner, add a call to action and design it to promote your own brand. View many custom design options for your review page above.
Utilize all the powerful features online with Your Own Review Platform to benefit your business directly.